A job advertisement is an important tool for filling your open positions. Alongside of your career page and job portal, job advertisements represent the first important point of contact between you and your applicants. Deciding where to post job advertisements is a key part in making sure that your recruiting process is successful.
You should list your vacancies in your own job portal so that candidates know immediately which jobs are available. The decision to apply to your company depends on this. You should make sure that your job advertisement contains all the important elements you need to be successful. You can learn more about these important elements here.
It is important that you post your job ad on the correct channels, by analyzing the channels where your target group is active the most.
Passive channels also play an important role. These include social media sites such as Facebook, Linkedin and Xing. Here, you can filter for the desired target group and the appropriate advertising can be displayed. In this way, you also attract the attention of candidates who are not actively looking for a job.
On a job board, employers can publish job advertisements for a fee. But how do you know which job board is best for you?
First of all, it should be noted that there isn't an overall best job board, each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, it must fit in with your own recruitment strategies.
Read the following tips now to find out which one is right for you:
Take a look at the data behind the respective job boards. The data provides information on how much traffic there is on the website, for example how many visits or visitors the job board has. However, each company creates this data themselves, so you should approach the data with this background knowledge in mind.
Check the numbers using the IVW numbers. The German Audit Bureau of Circulation (IVW) is a state-independent, non-commercial and neutral testing institution for the German advertising market.
Type in the job title and keywords that you would use to describe your vacancy in Google. Which job boards appear on the first page? You should take a closer look at these sites.
Look at the social media pages of the respective job boards. Pay attention to both the number of followers and their interactions with other social media users, such as likes or comments.
The size of the job board does not matter. A smaller job board is not necessarily a worse one.
Make sure that your desired target group uses the job board. Even if it has a very large number of visitors, it won't do you any good if it's not the reaching the right target group. If, for example, you want to fill a job in Munich and the job board has its main stream of visitors in Dusseldorf, the right target group will not be addressed. The situation is similar if you are looking for SAP consultants but the job board has no specific branding for them.
There are traffic polls that are created by the job boards themselves or by an independent source. Take some time to consider analyzing such surveys. However, these surveys are also only an indication that the job exchange has a high visitor flow in your desired target group.
Check out our page "The Ultimate Guide to Job Advertisements" to find further resources on the topic of job ads.
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